Tag: dailyprompt

  • Youth 😉

    Reading Time: < 1 minute What do you think gets better with age? The older you get the more appreciate that you were once young.

  • Time Spent being Social

    Time Spent being Social

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Who do you spend the most time with? Before the pandemic, it would have been the climbing, hiking and diving friends. I would meet them every week, year round. it was a strong group of peopla and I liked to see them.  Adventure Groups It is with this group of people…

  • Blogging

    Reading Time: < 1 minute What job would you do for free? Blogging, of course. 😉

  • The Last Thing I learned

    The Last Thing I learned

    Reading Time: 2 minutes What is the last thing you learned? I am currently learning to run five kilometres again. I’m one week away from completing the training program. This isn’t learning in the conventional sense of the word. It’s about fitness and endurance. About pacing and stamina. I have run five k in half…

  • Not a chance

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Do you believe in fate/destiny? Nihilism