A Growing Fear of Wolves

A Growing Fear of Wolves

Reading Time: 2 minutes More Wolves In Switzerland they reintroduced wolves and they are thriving, to the point where a collection of 17 packs of wolves became a pack of 35 wolves. As the number of wolves increases so does the probability that humans will fall victim to wolves. They are thinking of reintroducing them to Ireland too. “Wolves…

On Potentially Removing Google Adsense from this Blog

On Potentially Removing Google Adsense from this Blog

Reading Time: 3 minutes Recently I have been toying with the idea of removing Google Ads from my site and adding a donation option instead. This escalated, when, yesterday I was seeing ads in the admin panel of my wordpress blog. Ads are disruptive enough for users, with full screen invasive ads that require you to acknowledge the ads,…

The Amplified Case for Car Free Cycling and Walking Routes

The Amplified Case for Car Free Cycling and Walking Routes

Reading Time: 3 minutes In the near future we may see many more self-driving cars from many different manufacturers. If this is the case then we should think about reducing the number of roads and lanes devoted to cars. As robots drive cars, rather than humans so safety distances no longer need to exist, because every car is talking…

Hugo and Static Files

Hugo and Static Files

Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday I was experimenting with the Static folder in Hugo. Hugo and other static site generators has a folder where you can usually put content that you don’t want to have changed. You can add php, css, js and more. By making this an option it is possible to have your blog as markdown files…

A Good Run

A Good Run

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s good to vary between walking, cycling and running. I even threw in skateboarding but I am not confident at that sport yet. The beauty of walking, cycling and running is that these are sports that you can do straight from home, without getting into a car, and without having to put up with other…