Category: Rock climbing

  • Electro-dance yodelling and other Valais videos

    Electro-dance yodelling and other Valais videos

    Reading Time: < 1 minute This yodelling video is currently the number one trending video on youtube. I am unclear on whether it is for Switzerland or a bigger region. A small tractor is driving up a Swiss Alpine road with a group of yodelers sitting in a trailer. A car with Ma Cherie playing on…

  • The Drapel Climbing wall near Aigle

    The Drapel Climbing wall near Aigle

    Reading Time: 2 minutes The Drapel Climbing Wall near Aigle is a nice place to climb. When I was there yesterday we were in the shade of the trees unless we were climbing. The temperature for this week is at around 25-27°c daily which is nice. These are almost summer temperatures, at last. The parking for…

  • Interval training and climbing are a good combination.

    Interval training and climbing are a good combination.

    Reading Time: 2 minutes If you were to look at the graph below you would clearly see that it’s a form of interval training but you’re at a loss to know which sport it is from. With running and cycling you would see 2-3 minutes of hard effort and then two to three minutes of…

  • Using an Xtorm Solar Charger

    Using an Xtorm Solar Charger

    Reading Time: 3 minutes While in Spain for three weeks I was playing with the Xtorm solar Charger. I found that it worked well for the charging of tablets and e-book readers but not mobile phones. For years I have wanted to play with solar power. I have wanted to buy a solar panel that I could…

  • The Tiny House movement and travel

    Reading Time: 2 minutes The Tiny House Movement and travel combine well together. In this video a Czech couple bought a fan and transformed it into a self contained home to live in for a year. They chose it because they wanted room for the surfboards, wet suits and more. It has space for cooking…

  • Strava Now Has Rock Climbing, Hiking And More

    Strava Now Has Rock Climbing, Hiking And More

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Strava now has rock climbing, hiking and many more sports. Sports tracker, movescount and other applications already allowed you to do this but it is nice to see one more network provide us with this option. Up until now I had to make sure to go for a bike ride or…

  • The Third part of the Saillon VF

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday afternoon after two top rope climbs in Dorénaz we drove to the Via Ferrata de Saillon to climb this one. It is a via ferrata that I know well. This time I decided that I wanted to try the third part of the Saillon VF once again. What makes the…

  • Gallantry and Rock Climbing

    Gallantry and Rock Climbing

    Reading Time: 6 minutes Gallantry and Rock Climbing are a good combination. In Rock climbing the person with more experience or comfort helps the person with less comfort. In some cases it might be helping people walk on trails and in other cases it may be walking at the pace that is comfortable for others.…

  • Via Ferrata and Edelweiss

    Via Ferrata and Edelweiss

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Via Ferrata and Edelweiss can be combined. I was reminded of this when I was looking at Salanfe’s Instagram account images last night. I saw an image of a chamois and her young and then I saw the picture below of an Edelweiss and I wanted to share that I had…

  • Admiring the Tour D’Aï from the Via Ferrata de la Cascade

    Admiring the Tour D’Aï from the Via Ferrata de la Cascade

    Reading Time: 2 minutes The weather was clear so I was admiring the Tour D’Aï from the Via Ferrata de La Cascade. I was in Les Diablerets as I am one of the volunteers at the FIFAD film festival. I turned up three hours before I was needed and as I had all my climbing gear,…