
On Film and Television

Reading Time: < 1 minute I like that I can watch days of television series and that I can’t spend 90 minutes watching films. Television series are about people, places and situations and the characters are realistic. In contrast films are superficial, shallow and too full of special effects for a story to be told. The cinema loses out because…

The Weirdness of Water

Reading Time: < 1 minute Every day I walk around with my TEDxCERN lanyard. TEDxCERN, for me, was an opportunity to listen to seventeen talks in one afternoon without being bored or distracted. Some people spoke well, others were charismatic and one or two were pitching rather than talking. That didn’t matter. I enjoyed the event and felt inspired. As…

First Saturday in Lausanne

Reading Time: 2 minutes First Saturday in Lausanne Now that we are between the via ferrata season and the snowboarding and scuba diving season a distraction is provided by gamers who like to use the physical world and mobile phones. Dear Ingress agents of Lausanne and elsewhere, The first Saturday of December (06/12/14), our city will participate in a…

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Village Photography

Reading Time: < 1 minute On Google Plus, one of my muses, I saw that instead of Street photography someone suggested Village photography. I like the idea because villages are such an integral part of my life. Life in villages is a privileged one. Every time we go for a walk we cross people we do not know and say…

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A move away from centralised “social networks” and “social media”

Reading Time: < 1 minute Facebook engagement has declined since farmville distracted people away from conversations and towards mindless interactions with games, the sharing of tabloid content and emotional posts. These changes have had an adverse effect on social networks and the way in which we engage with people. I have noted a shift away from individuals towards following “celebrities”…