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Of live video streams and Paleo

Reading Time: < 1 minute I really enjoyed what Nicholas of K had to say in the interview we did last night for Musicorama.tv. He spoke about projects and how we can achieve anything we want as long as our mind is in the right place. I’ll let you know when that interview is online. This year Paleo has been…

Twitter is a shambolic mess

Reading Time: < 1 minute Twitter is a shambolic mess, reminiscient of a 2008 version of how hotmail was back in 1998 when I stopped using it. How many of you remember hotmail pre microsoft. I do. It worked fine. Then it became popular and it become really slow. That’s when I spread to have ten to twenty e-mail accounts…

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2600% jump in views, 650 views in just one day.

Reading Time: < 1 minute That’s fun 🙂 Thanks to the Geneva Lake Parade I saw a nice jump in traffic to the twelve videos or so I streamed and uploaded yesterday. I suppose when you cover the right event there is an audience. This is just one small example of why I should continue streaming video content. That’s also…


Social Discovery, the Social Media and how it can be used.

Reading Time: 2 minutes I think social discovery is one of the most fascinating parts of the new media lifecycle because we are so early in determining the most efficient way of social discovery. Search has now been dominated by Google and while new companies attempt to attack what is increasingly becoming a monopoly, most companies have realized that…

The 3g golden Goose and it’s noose.

Reading Time: < 1 minute You see, 3G is the golden goose for wireless carriers. It’s technology that turns their networks from boring voice systems to multi-functional data systems. They’re going from being a diner offering three specials/day to a restaurant with a huge buffet. This buffet is enticing and offers something for pretty much everyone but you’ll have to…