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Another Pandemic Weekend Without Plans

Reading Time: 3 minutes Normally at this time of year, as the snow melts and the temperatures increase the opportunity for spring and summer sports returns. These sports are via ferrata, outdoor climbing, hiking and more. This year is different because although today is Friday no plans have been made for the next two days. There is a excellent…

Walking Through Mud

Walking Through Mud

Reading Time: 4 minutes In normal times we can walk along clean paths, without walking through the mud because we can walk within a meter or two of people. During a pandemic though, the recommendation is to be at least two meters from people. Many agricultural paths are not that wide, especially when people walk two or more abreast….

Hiking in Switzerland

Hiking in Switzerland

Reading Time: < 1 minute In 2019 Swiss people spent 162 million hours walking and hiking in Switzerland. Hiking generates 2.5 billion CHF per year and there are 50,000 signs to help people find their way. In Switzerland people hike 20 times per year. I go for a two to three hour walk/hike every single day and as a result…

Walking from Village to Village, and Village to Town
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Walking from Village to Village, and Village to Town

Reading Time: 3 minutes The conversation is too often about designing cities to be car-free, but I would argue that designing the countryside to require less frequently would be more advantageous. The reason for this is that walking from village to village, and from villages to towns eliminates the need for, and appeal of the car. If the need…

I Completed the Apple May Activity Challenge Yesterday

I Completed the Apple May Activity Challenge Yesterday

Reading Time: 2 minutes I completed the Apple May Activity Challenge yesterday. The goal was to walk or run 349 kilometres within one month. I finished this challenge two days early. Using the Apple Watch Series 3 and the SUUNTO Spartan Sport Wrist HR BARO I tracked all of my activities. For the first two or three weeks I tracked activities…

Day 39 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Taking Portraits of Cows

Day 39 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Taking Portraits of Cows

Reading Time: 3 minutes I spent a few minutes taking portraits of cows during my afternoon walk today. Cows were standing by the barrier so it was easy to go up to each one and take their portraits. It’s not as if our vibrant social lives enable us to take portraits of people when we’re self-isolating. It’s day 39….

Day Thirty-One of ORCA in Switzerland — Plenty of Dust

Day Thirty-One of ORCA in Switzerland — Plenty of Dust

Reading Time: 2 minutes You build up plenty of dust as you plow the fields at the moment. The drought continues, as does the desire for this pandemic to be over. For now, the downward trend continues so we could feel optimistic. I’m still optimistic than in two or three weeks recycling centres will go back to normal. At…