The Daily Workout

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According to Euronews Next up to half of people in some European countries do not exercise enough. This is based on “A joint report by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)”.

There are only three reasons I would not walk ten thousand steps in a single day. A road trip, where I am in the car for most of the day, a bike ride, where my workout is not counted in steps or because of some reason I have forgotten about. Last month I walked 450,000 steps. This month I am regularly walking over 17,000 steps per day. I can’t imagine not being physically active every single day. It’s part of my routine.

I forgot that one of the motivators for people to exercise is Ingress, and Pokemon Go, the two augmented reality games that you play while walking around in the physical world. Plenty of those players go on walks, just to play Ingress. They never consider walking, for the pleasure of walking. Those that do are at an advantage.

I played Ingress on a bike, rather than walking. Cycling between villages takes more effort, especially around the vineyards that head up to the Jura. Do a few steep climbs and you will feel the effort.

And Finally

I have been walking during lunch breaks and more for as long as I can remember. I have been going for afternoon and evening walks since before GPS tracking with devices like the Nokia N95. I ended up tracking my walks and more, but not before I took on the habit of daily exercise. I can’t imagine not going for a one hour walk every single day. This habit means that I do not need to wait for buses or other forms of traffic. It means that I can walk to the shops for some things, or walk to meetings, if I know far enough in advance.

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