Day 43 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Caught Outdoors During a Thunderstorm

Day 43 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Caught Outdoors During a Thunderstorm

Reading Time: 2 minutes Today I was caught outdoors during a thunderstorm but rather than run to shelter or rush home I continued taking a timelapse video of some flowers. According to the apps we were meant to get some rain at 1800 so I expected it to be short lived. This didn’t stop my clothes or my bag…

A Windy Day In Geneva

A Windy Day In Geneva

Reading Time: < 1 minute They announced that it would be windy today and it is. Windy days are fun because the lake goes from blue or green to English Breakfast tea brown. The waves crash against the walls and spray the promenade that goes from the Pont Du Mont Blanc to the Jardin Anglais. For now it’s getting things…


A funny day

Reading Time: 2 minutes I found today quite entertaining. I went out and noticed that it was a little windy. Later on, I was heading towards the student bar only to find that it was closed due to windows being blown in. “Oh well”, I thought “time to do something different”. I walked across the street, the name given…