Jaiku is back up and running and I have unlimited invites

Reading Time: < 1 minute Jaiku is up and running once more, from the google servers and it’s faster. It’s also lost no features. In fact it’s gained one thing which will make some you happy. All those who already have unlimited invites so if you’re interested in trying Jaiku from it’s servers, send me a message by e-mail or…


Reading Time: < 1 minute Tweetrush is based on the rushhour engine and aims at providing information on the volume of tweets that are sent every hour of the day. At the present 800,000 tweets are sent a day. That’s an average of 33,300 an hour. I only tweet at about 86 (not 200) a day depending on conversations. You…


Seesmicing from anywhere

Reading Time: < 1 minute I like to seesmic but there’s no way I want to be stuck in one place without moving around. It’s more fun when you see people aren’t in a desk situation. Here are four places from which to seesmic and make things more interesting. Seesmic from here. The Lake Side Yet another nice view The…