Views Of The Sea

Views Of The Sea

Reading Time: 2 minutes The pandemic is alive and well at the moment and life in pandemic mode continues. We dream of opportunities to flirt and we walk by people while wearing masks even if they do not, to remain safe. I would like for people to do what they can to end the pandemic but that is an…

Exponential Pandemic Growth And A Lack of Accountability

Exponential Pandemic Growth And A Lack of Accountability

Reading Time: 2 minutes In theory I should remain neutral and not comment about current affairs but what is happening in Europe and the US merits comment. The runaway growth of the pandemic warrants comment. We are in week 98 of the pandemic, just two away from 100 weeks and people are still debating whether to wear masks, sing…

A Walk In Spain

A Walk In Spain

Reading Time: 2 minutes We cannot always walk around in circles during a pandemic around where we live. I spent over a year walking around in circles near home in Switzerland but this Christmas I travelled. I didn’t travel because I wanted to. I travelled because sometimes we need to see family. I also travelled to escape all of…