Climbing in Dorénaz

Climbing in Dorénaz

Dorénaz is a small village on the way to Sion and about 18 minutes from Saillon. It is also a few minutes from Aigle. I walked around the area before climbing two of the routes and I noticed that the rocks around here appeared to be magnetite. I saw rust where old climbing equipment had been removed. The magnetite idea came from the rust colour on some of the larger blocks that had broken free decades ago.

[caption id="attachment_3305" align="aligncenter" width="576"]Climbing in Dorénaz One of the climbing walls in Dorénaz[/caption]

As I continued the exploration of the village I noticed that on one roundabout they have a mining wagon so I looked up the village but there was no mention of mining so I extended the research to include mining in the region. It is at this point that I found mentions of anthracite mining in this village. As this pdf illustrates coal mining was one of the local activities. The coal was hard to extract for two reasons. The first is that the deposits are only thin and they have been folded by geological activity. In 1881 they extracted 900 tons of coal from one of the deposits.

[caption id="attachment_3307" align="aligncenter" width="576"]I did not expect that Dorénaz was going to be a former coal mining town. I did not expect that Dorénaz was going to be a former coal mining town.[/caption]

Ce tour d’horizon des mines et carrières de Dorénaz met en évidence la vocation particulière de cette commune. Elle sort du schéma habituel du Valais, ayant abandonné le «labourage » et le « pastourage » traditionnels. Les Diablerains – puisque c’est ainsi que l’on appelle les habitants de Dorénaz – se sont presque tous adonnés à l’industrie de la pierre. Elle leur a insufflé une extraordinaire dynamique économique : les Diablerains parcoururent la Romandie en livrant et posant leurs ardoises54. Il y a aussi eu un revers de médaille. Dorénaz a eu des allures de ville du Nord de la France avec ses façades noircies par la poussière du charbon. Et la silicose a frappé nombre de carriers.

That is what I noticed in the village. I saw two or three old chalets built on stilts like you expect to find. The church looks darker than in other villages. In the quote above they wrote “Dorénaz as the appearance of cities from the North of France with its coal darkened walls.”

Le charbon: un bassin houiller s’étend des bords du Léman, entre Lausanne et Montreux, jusqu’à Oron et Sensales/FR. Un très grand nombre de mines ont été exploitées de 1709 à la deuxième guerre mondiale, sur la base de 120 concessions attribuées. L’utilisation de ce charbon sera la cause de la première pollution de l’air sur les bords du Leman. D’autres mines importantes ont été exploitées par exemple entre Colonge et Dorénaz.


Dév : 5’000 m  Déniv. : 200 m
Remarque : anthracite

Source: Mines et carrières souterraines de Suisse romande.

I find it really interesting to read about how Polish coal miners helped in the mining of resources from Valais.

Dans la lettre envoyée à Joseph Dionisotti, de Muralt exigeait encore que ces internés reçoivent un salaire relativement élevé, soient bien nourris, bien logés et surveillés par la gendarmerie valaisanne. Le 27 septembre 1940 déjà, les premiers internés militaires polonais arrivèrent aux mines de Chandoline. Le lieutenant polonais Raspondek était responsable des quarante-cinq internés. Il fut d’une aide précieuse pour l’entrepreneur montheysan, grâce à sa grande expérience acquise aux mines de Kattowitz.

source: Camps et Homes d’accueil du Valais

If and when I go back to Dorénaz I want to walk up the path I walked up. I was looking for a route to get above the climbing wall but instead I found a steep path. On either side of this steep path I saw stone walls had been built on either side. These walls looked old so I went back down to get my hiking boots, my bag and the camera. When I saw that the hike was about 1hr30 I turned around and came back down.

Les mines d’anthracite (charbon) de Dorénaz ont été exploitées durant une centaine d’années. Le gisement principal d’anthracite se trouve au Plan de La Méreune, au-dessus de La Giète (commune de Dorénaz), où trois bâtiments sont encore visibles de nos jours. Les premières extractions ont lieu dans les années 1855-1859, mais la véritable exploitation commence dès 1874 grâce au président de la commune de Dorénaz, Pierre-Maurice Paccolat. La concession du charbon de La Méreune passe en novembre 1913 aux mains du chimiste saint-gallois J. Billwiller, de Goldau, mais celui-ci n’exploite finalement pas le filon.
C’est la société “Dorénaz SA, Charbonnages du Valais à Vernayaz” qui reprend le flambeau en 1917 par la remise en état des deux anciennes galeries à La Méreune. Un véritable village industriel se construit alors au Plan de La Méreune; il accueillera jusqu’à 750 ouvriers, avec trois grands bâtiments et vingt petites baraques. Le charbon est conduit à la briqueterie de Vernayaz grâce à un téléphérique qui relie La Méreune à la gare de Vernayaz, avec une station intermédiaire à Alesse.
Passée la production de charbon liée à l’économie de guerre (1917 jusqu’en 1921), la société Dorénaz SA est liquidée par voie de faillite entre 1922 et 1924. La faillite englobe les mines et la briqueterie, avec un découvert de plusieurs millions de francs. C’est alors la Société de Banque suisse qui reprend les mines et bâtiments de la Méreune.
Au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la société anonyme “Mines d’anthracite de Dorénaz”, sous la direction de l’industriel sédunois Oscar Machoud, relance l’exploitation de l’anthracite. O. Machoud rachète les immeubles en 1941 (logements, cuisine, bains, bureaux, magasin, infirmerie, salle des machines), puis, la même année, la société entre dans le giron de l’industriel montheysan Joseph Dionisotti, détenteur des concessions de Chandoline, Nendaz, Salins, Aproz, Collonges, Veysonnaz, Maragnénaz et Sion. L’administration est concentrée à Monthey où J. Dionisotti dirige aussi une fabrique de chaux vive et sa carrière de “grès dur” de Choëx. Il exploite la mine de Dorénaz jusqu’en 1953, année où celle-ci est délaissée et à partir de laquelle les installations sont laissées à l’abandon. Malgré plusieurs projets de relance de l’exploitation, aucune activité ne reprendra dans les mines de Dorénaz. Source

Travelling experience, going to places like Kiruna in Sweden and towards old railway lines in the Jura have taught me to do some research to see how places in the middle of nowhere, that you would not normally visit can be historically interesting.

This is a village with a current population of about 800 people and they commute to work according to the English wikipedia entry. If you are still curious here is a final document about mining and Dorénaz, in French.

Although the village was interesting I was disappointed by the climbing. If I drive for one hour I want to go to the real mountains, to enjoy a nice landscape and to feel closer to nature. This climbing wall is right on the road side and this detracts from the usual pleasure of climbing. If you do want to climb here then this site will provide you with the required information.


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The Third part of the Saillon VF

Yesterday afternoon after two top rope climbs in Dorénaz we drove to the Via Ferrata de Saillon to climb this one. It is a via ferrata that I know well. This time I decided that I wanted to try the third part of the Saillon VF once again. What makes the third part special is that it is marked as TD+, more than very difficult. This is a more technical climb for people who are familiar with the sport.

The first time I tried this via ferrata I was with a group but climbed it as a solo effort. I went at my speed and I just wanted to complete it as quickly as possible. The challenges were being able to handle the long drop below and the physical demands of the via ferrata. When I climbed it alone I increased my heart rate by a lot and my muscles felt that they were weakening so although it felt excellent it made me skip this portion on two or three subsequent trips.

For a while people would frequently get trapped on the third part and there was a sign reminding people that if they have any doubt they should not do it. If the helicopter is called in it will cost you 3000CHF or more. Imagine all the equipment that you could buy or the holiday that you could enjoy with this money.

Yesterday we climbed the first two parts of the via ferrata with no problems. We went at a comfortable speed and the group stayed as one. When we got to the third part two novices went up and went across to the bridge to watch us climb and we formed an action plan. This time we moved as a team. We went forward and rested frequently. We rested before the overhang and then again after the overhang. We rested before climbing the rope ladder and then again after. Finally we went to the last challenge, the vertical ascent and we rested on a nice slab of rock. We then climbed that final bit and although it is demanding the muscles coped well.

I really like that I found this climb so much easier than the previous climb. I don’t know whether rock climbing, paragliding and the pace helped. I know that in future I will feel confidant about doing part three. My training and this pace paid off.