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Sharing Videos With Facebook

Reading Time: 2 minutes Through technology such as that available on Facebook, video sharing has become quite a bit easier. Whereas on a website like youtube where you share video footage with the world on Facebook you select who you share your videos with. There are three settings, share with everyone on your network, including all friends, share with…

Running Joost

Reading Time: < 1 minute Finally I’m home to a pc, linux and mac environment and I’m running joost. It’s not bad. At the moment it’s just filler content but nonetheless it’s interesting to see it work and interact with it. For a few days I can offer invites to anyone that wants one. Just put a comment and I’ll…

My thoughts on “If we are all amateurs, there are no experts.”

Reading Time: 3 minutes Andrew Keen’s new book, The Cult of the Amateur is the latest addition to the Newsnight book club. In it, the author expresses his concern for the profligacy of online amateurism, spawned by the digital revolution. This, he feels, has had a destructive impact on our culture, economy, and values. Web 2.0 is a state…


Two Things

Reading Time: < 1 minute There are two things to write about. The first of these is that I recently tested the new mobile web version of the TFL website and it’s really good. It’s got a great user interface for a web based service and i think I’ll be using it from time to time when it’s needed. The…