Happy and slightly nervous – as would be expected.

Reading Time: < 1 minute Nouvo is a show I have enjoyed watching many times, aired on Swiss television and in podcast form until recently. They are changing format and appearing on the website and news programs from now on. What makes this particularly interesting is that they left a comment on this blog, asking to interview the person behind…

Nambu is great

Reading Time: < 1 minute Nambu is a desktop client for Twitter available only to users of Leopard 10.5. What makes this application great is that it has automatic threading of conversations, making it easier to keep track of conversations. The multi-column to single column view is also easy to interact with and creating groups and adding friends is a…

Swiss mountain cleaners

Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s April fool’s day and the swiss have taken advantage of their reputation to start a funny promotional campaign. It’s about the birds soiling the mountains and having crews of people specifically to resolve this problem. Of course it’s an April fool’s joke.


Reading Time: < 1 minute Today I got round to installing friendconnect on this blog. This means that everyone that has a gmail account can log in and become part of the community sprouting from this blog. You can also comment about things in general now. There’s a new layout now, as a result information is easier to find and…