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How Using a Laptop for Client Led Video Editing Work Helps The Environment (Blog Action Day)

When I started video editing it required a powerful desktop computer and moving it around was hard. Now I’m working on a laptop. This is great for the environment and here’s why.

When the equipment you are using is portable it means that you can edit from the client’s offices rather than your own. Several times already I have gone to the office of those whom I work for. If there is a desk free beside them then they may go along with their daily routine whilst I keep working on my own work. Once there’s a rough cut I show them the edit and see whether they like it, apply any changes and once that’s done I can author a DVD.

In the past I would need a VHS machine, a tower, and a monitor. All of these take space and use energy. As a result there’s more energy being consumed. There’s then the issue of finishing a rough cut, driving to see the client, getting their feedback before driving back to the edit suite, and applying the changes. On some projects this type of process may have required quite a few trips.

Now I’m the one that moves with my laptop to the office. Work on the project and the net result is a great decrease in the number of trips that need to take place.  I’ve done my bit for the environment. I’ve also saved a few hours of commuting.

This post was part of the Blog Action Day. Check the image on the right sidebar for more information about this blog day and others.