
Tweetrush is based on the rushhour engine and aims at providing information on the volume of tweets that are sent every hour of the day. At the present 800,000 tweets are sent a day. That’s an average of 33,300 an hour. I only tweet at about 86 (not 200) a day depending on conversations.

You can see user’s tweet rate as well.

It’s a fun litle app that can help picture how twitter is growing at present.


Seesmicing from anywhere

I like to seesmic but there’s no way I want to be stuck in one place without moving around. It’s more fun when you see people aren’t in a desk situation. Here are four places from which to seesmic and make things more interesting.

Seesmic from here.

The Lake Side

Yet another nice view

The Mountains

Nice view

And where to have lunch 🙂


GMdesk as a fun Air App

Gmail, google Calendar and google maps are part of our daily workflow. As a result of this we have them running in two or three tabs at all times. Switching between tabs within a browser can be time consuming but not between applications. That’s where Adobe Air and GMDesk come in.
Adobe Air is a multiplatform solution to make running the same app on multiple machines easy. GMDesk is an application that allows you to use the applications I have mentioned above easily. Work in your web browser, alt tab and you’re in GMdesk.

Those are the short cut keys to save on time when switching from one google app to another.

It’s an interesting idea and we should be seeing many more applications such as this in the near future.