Say something in 140 characters or less

For those of you who know me as Warzabidul you’re probably used to my incessant tweeting, when not at work.. Two days ago twitterfone came out, a service that allows me to call a number and tweet by voice.

The system is still in very early stages but works great. The idea is that you register on the site and provide your country and phone number, associate your twitter account as well and wait till your number is registered. Once the number is registered you call and speak your message.

Once all of this is done any time you can talk and want to tweet you call the number, talk and the message appears in two places. It appears on twitterfone as text and an audio file and as a tweet and URL on twitter’s website.

It’s great for when you’re driving, with hands free of course (;-)) because it avoids you touch typing messages on your phone when your attention should be on the person in front slowing down to let pedestrians cross.

So far I’ve been pretty happy with the way it works. It recognises words effectively and is quite a good alternative for those who are not touch typists.